NIHR president praises royal directives

National Institution for Human Rights (NIHR) Ali Ahmed Al Derazi expressed his appreciation and pride in the royal directives to continue national efforts to advance human rights in Bahrain, through starting to work on reform centers and open prisons and ensure the reintegration of the beneficiaries of the program into society and strengthen community cohesion.

Al Derazi pointed out that the Kingdom is one of the first Arab countries to implement the alternative punishment system, which is in line with international human rights standards and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights protocols regarding humane treatment of prisoners and respect for human dignity, as well as the positive impact of alternative punishment that helps in rehabilitate the convicts and reintegrate them into society.

He affirmed that the Kingdom’s adoption of reform and rehabilitation methods reflects the serious will to develop political systems and achieve social and psychological stability for the families of the convicts.

Ali Al Derazi called for accelerating the realization of the royal directives to apply alternative penalties to include larger segments of the convicts, calling on all private and civil sectors to accept those, whose penalties and alternative measures apply, to contribute effectively in society.

Source: Bahrain News Agency