National Guard Commander meets with Pakistani Army V Corps Commander

Karachi, Oct. 1 (BNA): National Guard Commander, General HH Shaikh Mohammed bin Isa Al Khalifa, met with Commander of the V Corps of the Pakistani Army, Lieutenant General Mohammad Saeed, at the corps headquarters in Karachi, Pakistan.


The National Guard Commander commended the advanced level of cooperation between the National Guard and the Pakistani Army, stressing continued efforts to further boost bilateral relations.


Discussions focused on issues of common interest and ways of bolstering cooperation and coordination at all military levels.


The corps Commander briefed the National Guard Commander about the situation in the flood-hit regions, including Sindh province, and the rescue operations there. He also thanked the Royal Humanitarian Foundation (RHF) and the Bahraini government for the financial support to the affected people. He praised the distinguished military cooperation between the two brotherly countries.


The National Guard Commander asserted Bahrain’s unwavering support to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, stressing solid ties binding the two brotherly countries and peoples.



Source: Bahrain News Agency

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