National Guard Commander crowns Special Operations Unit for winning military marathon

National Guard Commander, General Shaikh Mohammed bin Isa Al Khalifa, has crowned the Special Operations Unit with his championship trophy for military marathon.

The crowning took place at the National Guard Commander’s office at Sakhir Camp, in the presence of National Guard Staff Director, Lieutenant General Shaikh Abdulaziz bin Saud Al Khalifa.

The National Guard Commander presented the trophy to Commander of the Special Operations Unit, Lieutenant Colonel Shaikh Salman bin Mohammed bin Isa Al Khalifa. He praised the distinguished results and clinching top places in local and international sport championships.

The National Guard Commander directed to continue the development and modernization process to boost the capabilities of the National Guard and enhance its role in the kingdom’s development march, in line with the vision of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces.

Lieutenant Colonel Shaikh Salman bin Mohammed bin Isa Al Khalifa expressed most sincere thanks and gratitude to the National Guard Commander for his support and valuable directives.

Source: Bahrain News Agency