Labor minister receives Indonesian ambassador

Labor and Social Development Minister and Labor Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) Board of Directors Chairman Jamil bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan met newly-appointed Indonesian Ambassador to Bahrain Ardi Hermawan.

The minister congratulated the ambassador on his appoitment, wishing him success in performing his diplomatic duties and in developing bilateral relations.

The meeting discussed enhancing cooperation in the fields of work and social care and exchanged knowledge.

Humaidan briefed the Indonesian ambassador on the most prominent initiatives and services provided by the ministry in the field of workforce protection, as well as strengthening social protection, stressing the Kingdom’s keenness to sponsor the workforce’s attainment of their basic labor rights.

The ambassador praised the advanced level witnessed by the Kingdom in many fields, and noted the provided care by the Indonesian community and workforce in Bahrain during the pandemic.

Source: Bahrain News Agency