iGA reviews Bahrain’s experience in launching Benayat Building Permit system

The Information and e-Government Authority (iGA) welcomed today Slovak Deputy Prime Minister, Stefan Holy, and his accompanying delegation on the occasion of his official visit to the Kingdom of Bahrain. They were informed about the kingdom’s experience in launching Benayat Building Permit system.

Chief Executive of the Information and eGovernment Authority, Mohammed Ali Al Qaed welcomed the Deputy Prime Minister of Slovakia Republic and his accompanying delegation, lauding relations between the two friendly countries. He also stressed the importance of such visits in exchanging technical experiences.

The meeting shed light mainly on Benayat Building Permit system as well as issues pertaining to the Information and Technology field. It was attended by iGA Chief Executive Mohammed Ali Al Qaed, Municipality Affairs Undersecretary Shaikh Mohammed bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, Deputy Chief Executive for Operation and Governance Dr. Khalid Al Mutawa’a, Assistant Undersecretary for Resources and Information Mohammed Adel Buhassan, as well as directors and officials from iGA and the Ministry of Municipality and Agriculture Affairs.

Source: Bahrain News Agency