HM King Hamad, HM King Abdulla II of Jordan hold talks

His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa held talks with His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn Al Hussein of Jordan, at the Al-Sakhir Palace today.

HM the King welcomed HM King Abdullah II, stressing the depth of the solid fraternal relations between the two countries, and the advanced level of bilateral cooperation at various levels.

HM King Hamad and HM King Abdullah II expressed satisfaction with the level of joint trade exchange, as well as with the advanced level reached by the economic and commercial relations between the two brotherly countries.

The two monarchs affirmed the two brotherly countries’ solidarity and joint efforts in fighting terrorism and safeguarding security and stability.

In this regard, HM King Hamad expressed thanks and appreciation to HM King Abdulla II for Jordan’s supportive stances towards Bahrain in combating terrorism and extremism, praising the two brotherly countries’ coordination in countering the scourge of terrorism.

They underlined the importance of enhancing cooperation between the two countries in combating the novel Coronavirus and curbing its spread.

In this context, HM the King expressed thanks to Jordan for the facilities it had provided to the Bahraini Embassy in Amman to ensure easy procedures for Bahraini citizens and students while returning home.

HM King Hamad commended the contributions of the Jordanian community to the kingdom’s development process across various fields.

HM King Hamad and HM King Abdullah II discussed the latest developments in the Middle East, the region and the world, stressing the importance of coordination between the two countries vis-à-vis them, as well as the need for intensifying efforts to reach a just solution to the Palestinian cause.

They emphasised that peace is a strategic option to end the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in a just and comprehensive way, in accordance with the relevant international legitimacy’s resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiatives, in a way that would ensure the rights of the brotherly Palestinian people.

While discussing the latest Syrian developments, HM King Abdullah II affirmed his country’s support for the efforts to preserve Syria’s sovereignty, stability, territorial integrity and unity of its people.

In this regard, HM King Hamad commended the efforts of HM King Abdullah II to support Arab issues, especially the Palestinian cause, as HM is the custodian of the holy sites in Jerusalem.

The two monarchs stressed the need to put an end to foreign interference in the region’s affairs, given their negative effects on regional security and stability, affirming the importance of cooperation between the two kingdoms to strengthen the pillars of security and stability in the region, as well as to protect international maritime navigation in the Arabian Gulf waters from any threats that may affect the flow of global trade.

HM King Abdullah II expressed thanks and appreciation to HM King Hamad for the gracious welcome and hospitality accorded to HM, confirming the depth of the solid relations between two kingdoms and their brotherly peoples.

Source: Bahrain News Agency