His Majesty the King thanked by His Holiness Pope Francis

His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa received a letter of thanks from His Holiness Pope Francis for the warm welcome and gracious hospitality during his stay in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

HH Pope Francis hailed Bahrain’ deep-rooted history and civilization, multi-ethnic and multicultural society which lives in peace.

“During my visit, I was impressed by Bahrain’s multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society. The groups that live together testify that we can and must live together in our world in which indifference and mutual accusations are rife, and in which rivalries and conflicts increase, and extremism threatens the safety of all”, he said.

He expressed thanks and gratitude to HM the King for hosting international conferences and providing opportunities to promote mutual respect, tolerance and religious freedom, citing the Bahrain Forum for Dialogue: East and West for Human Coexistence and the last meeting with members of the Council of Muslim Elders at the Sakhir Palace Mosque.

“These meetings are important in our time for the good of all humanity, may God grant us the power to always work for peace and harmony in the whole world”, he said, wishing HM the King abundant health and wellbeing and the people of Bahrain further progress and prosperity.

Source: Bahrain News Agency