Foreign Minister holds discussion session with German counterpart

Minister of Foreign Affairs, H.E. Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al-Zayani held a discussion session in Berlin today with his German counterpart, H.E. Mr. Heiko Maas, as part of an official visit to Germany.

The Foreign Minister expressed happiness over visiting Germany, noting solid friendly relations between the two countries, which are based on international cooperation and mutual respect. He also noted growing bilateral cooperation at all levels and mutual keenness to develop bilateral relations to achieve common interests.

The Foreign Minister pointed out the importance of boosting joint cooperation between the two countries in the political, economic and investment fields. He also underlined the need to increase trade exchange between both countries and promote joint political coordination regarding issues facing the Middle East so as to bolster security, stability and peace in the region.

For his part, the German Foreign Minister welcomed Dr. Al Zayani’s official visit to Germany, hailing the development of friendly relations between the two countries. He affirmed Germany’s interest to continue cooperation, consultation and joint coordination with the Kingdom of Bahrain in various fields.

The two sides also discussed areas of joint cooperation and ways to promote them for the benefit of the two friendly countries and peoples. They also discussed political and security challenges facing the Middle East as well as regional and international issues of common interest.

The meeting was attended by Ambassador of the Kingdom of Bahrain to Germany, Abdullah Abdullatif Abdullah, and the accompanying delegation of the Foreign Minister. from the German side, it was attended by Director General of the Affairs of the Near and Middle East, Africa and Latin America, Dr. Philipp Ackermann, and a number of senior officials at the Federal Foreign Office.

Source: Bahrain News Agency