Bahraini Ambassador in London hosts dinner for Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee

The Ambassador of the Kingdom of Bahrain to the United Kingdom, Shaikh Fawaz bin Mohammed Al Khalifa hosted a dinner for the Foreign Affairs Committee of the UK’s Parliament. The dinner was attended by MP Dr Lisa Cameron from the Scottish National Party, Afzal Khan, Shadow Minister for Legal Aid, and other members from committee members.

The Bahraini Ambassador delivered a speech in which he welcomed the Committee, praising their efforts in supporting the solid relations between Bahrain and the UK. He also underlined Pope Francis’ visit to Bahrain and noted upcoming events in Bahrain.

Dr. Lisa Cameron thanked the Bahraini Ambassador for hosting such event, lauding the Bahraini-UK relations. She also thanked Bahrain for the facilities provided to the British Royal Navy. They also exchanged talks about latest developments in the negotiations related to the Free Trade Agreement between the UK and the GCC.

Source: Bahrain News Agency