BACA president receives ALIPH executive director

Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities (BACA) President and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Arab Regional Center for World Heritage (ARC-WH) Shaikha Mai bint Mohammed Al Khalifa received the Executive Director of the International alliance for the protection of heritage in conflict areas

(ALIPH) Foundation, Valéry Freeland.

Shaikha Mai stressed the importance of cooperation between the various institutions concerned with world heritage to preserve the sites in the Arab region, praising the efforts of ÄLPH, which contributed to supporting these efforts at various levels.

The meeting discussed ways of joint work between institutions to support efforts to preserve the Yemeni city, Shibam, which is registered on the list of World Heritage in Danger.

ALIPH executive director was briefed on the regional center’s current projects to enhance the city’s cultural heritage.

Freeland invited Shaikha Mai to attend a conference special for the foundation at the end of this month in Paris.

The executive director praised the efforts of the Arab Regional Center in protecting the Arab cultural heritage, wishing that cooperation between the institutions would expand to achieve more support and projects for human heritage in the Arab region.

Source: Bahrain News Agency