Visitors to Madaba up by 235% during 1st QTR 2023-Official

During 1st quarter of 2023, Madaba witnessed an “active” tourist movement, compared to the same period last year, its Tourism Director, Wael Jaenini, said. In an interview with “Petra” on Wednesday, Jaenini said the number of visitors to the city increased during first quarter of 2023 to 171,665 tourists, compared to 51,208 during the same period last year, marking an increase of 235%. 10,081 Jordanians visited Madaba during the 1st quarter of 2023, while the highest number of foreign visitors came from U.S. at 28,743, then Italy at 20,255, France at 13,268, and Spain at 9,566, he announced. Meanwhile, he noted number of the city’s tourist establishments in 2023 amounted to 117, constituting an increase of 7 businesses, compared to last year, in which 22 are hotels, 30 are restaurants, 60 are handicrafts shops, and 5 are travel, Hajj and Umrah offices, he said. He also noted Madaba is famous for multiple tourist and archaeological attractions, including Mount Nebo, which is the most important Christian pilgrimage site, adding that the city’s tourism directorate is working on completing several tourist projects this year. Madaba has won, during the past years, multiple international and Arab titles, primarily 2016 World Crafts City title for mosaic, and Arab Tourism Capital for 2022.

Source: Jordan News Agency