US welcomes Saudi extraordinary efforts to end war in Yemen

The White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan has welcomed the Saudi “extraordinary efforts to pursue a more comprehensive roadmap for ending the war in Yemen”.

In a phone call with Saudi Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammad bin Salman, Sullivan offered also expressed full US support for those efforts, noting that Special Envoy Tim Lenderking will be in the region over the coming days, according to a White House statement on Wednesday.

Sullivan highlighted the remarkable progress in Yemen over the past year, during which fighting has nearly ceased under a UN-mediated truce.

The both sides also discussed broader trends toward de-escalation in the region, while underscoring the need to maintain deterrence against threats from Iran and elsewhere.

Sullivan reaffirmed President Biden’s unwavering commitment to ensure Iran can never acquire a nuclear weapon.

He and Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman committed to stay in regular contact and to accelerate contact between the Saudi and US national security teams on issues including the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGII), clean energy cooperation, and development and investment in cutting-edge Open Radio Access Network (O-Ran) 5G and 6G technologies.

Meanwhile, the State Department announced that US Special Envoy for Yemen Tim Lenderking travelled to the Gulf on April 11 to support ongoing efforts to secure a new agreement on a comprehensive peace process.

“After over a year of intensive US and UN diplomatic efforts and support from regional partners like Saudi Arabia and Oman, Yemen is witnessing an unprecedented opportunity for peace,” reads a statement by the State Department.

It pointed out that the UN-mediated truce, which began in April 2022, laid the foundation for renewed peace efforts while delivering tangible benefits to the Yemeni people.

“Moving forward, only the Yemeni parties can bring lasting peace and shape a brighter future for their country, which is why a Yemeni-Yemeni political process is urgently needed,” it affirmed.

It added that during his visit, Special Envoy Lenderking will meet with Yemeni, Saudi, and international partners to discuss the necessary steps to secure a durable ceasefire and inclusive, UN-mediated political process, while ensuring continued efforts to ease the economic crisis and suffering of Yemenis.

Source: Kuwait News Agency