/United Nations/ Political analyst to QNA: Qatar is One of Influential Forces At Global Level

Political analyst and researcher at the Middle East Institute in Washington Dr. Hassan Mneimneh stressed that the State of Qatar is one of the influential forces at global level and a reliable international partner that can play pivotal roles in various files and issues to enhance stability in the region and the world.

Dr. Mneimneh said, in an exclusive interview with Qatar News Agency , that the State of Qatar addresses many difficult international issues and seeks to find solutions to many crises and problems that major countries are unable to solve for the sake of a stable world free of turmoil, based on its regional and international responsibility.

He added that Qatar’s economic strength enhanced its ability to put forward ideas to solve international problems and implement constructive and productive projects internally and externally that benefit the country and the world.

He believed that Qatar is not only concerned with stability within its narrow scope or even within its Gulf and Arab scope, as its interest has extended to its regional and international surroundings to the point that it has begun to play an active and pioneering role in all political, economic and environmental files at the international level, adding that Qatar also plays an extremely important role in peace and security efforts and support for humanitarian causes around the world.

He said that today we are in front of a country with great political weight that seeks to guarantee its security and interests, based on its keenness to contribute to this global responsibility to achieve stability, noting that Qatar played a prominent role in bringing viewpoints closer, in addition to its attempt to resolve the crisis between Russia and Ukraine. He added that we are talking about a clear policy, based on striving for stability, development and goodness in the whole world.

With regard to the bilateral relations between the State of Qatar and the United States, Dr. Mneimneh said that the relations between the two countries underwent great development in the past years in many fields, noting the coordination between the two countries in many regional and international issues and files.

He said that US President Joe Biden’s decision to classify the State of Qatar as a major ally of the United States outside of NATO last year contributed to lifting relations between the two countries from the level of partnership to the level of alliance, but he saw that the general framing of these relations required the signing of more treaties to strengthen them.

He explained that the State of Qatar was able to present a new and unique development formula that states that it is at the forefront of countries that adopt modernity without abandoning its fundamental principles and foundations, which is what the entire world felt during the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022, which was the finest technical, administrative and sporting achievement, while at the same time the authentic Qatari values were preserved at various levels.

On the key issues on the agenda of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly, Mneimneh pointed out that there are constant issues that are at the forefront, such as global warming and climate change, in addition to the crisis related to the impact of global economies, especially emerging ones such as China and India, on the humanitarian environment, as well as issues related to economics, development and the need to provide some assistance in order to revive emerging countries.

At the end of his interview with QNA, Dr. Hassan Mneimneh noted the distinguished relations between the State of Qatar and various countries of the world, as well as its humanitarian efforts through coordination with various UN and international institutions to provide support and urgent humanitarian response during crises and emergencies for the good of humanity around the world.

Source: Qatar News Agency