Undersecretary for Political Affairs meets US Deputy Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism

Foreign Ministry Undersecretary for Political Affairs, Ambassador Dr. Shaikh Abdulla bin Ahmed bin Abdulla Al Khalifa received at the Ministry today, the Deputy Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism at the US State Department, Aaron Keyak.


The Undersecretary for Political Affairs lauded the strong partnership between Bahrain and the United States in consolidating religious tolerance, in light of the Abraham Accords, and the efforts of the King Hamad Global Center for Peaceful Coexistence in promoting dialogue, mutual respect and understanding between religions.


Dr. Shaikh Abdulla bin Ahmed bin Abdulla Al Khalifa affirmed the keenness of the Kingdom of Bahrain, under the diplomatic approach of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, to consolidate the values of tolerance and coexistence between religions, cultures, and civilizations, as well as rejecting extremism and hatred to enhance global peace and security.


Aaron Keyak hailed Bahrain’s pioneering initiatives in spreading a culture of peace, tolerance, and human coexistence among all religions. He also wished the Kingdom further progress and prosperity.


Source: Bahrain News Agency

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