Turkey condemns the desecration of the Qor’an again in Sweden, describing it as “despicable”

The Turkish Foreign Ministry condemned today, Thursday, in the strongest terms, “the despicable attack today against the Holy Book, the Holy Qur’an, in front of the Iraqi Embassy in the Swedish capital, Stockholm.”

The Turkish Foreign Ministry said, according to media outlets: “We condemn in the strongest terms today’s despicable attack on our holy book, the Holy Qur’an, in front of the Iraqi Embassy in the Swedish capital, Stockholm.”

Today, Thursday, the so-called Silwan Momica, once again, tore up the Iraqi flag, the Holy Quran, and pictures of prominent religious figures, including the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, and the Iranian guide, Ali Khamenei, in front of the Iraqi Embassy in Stockholm.

Today, Thursday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa al-Sudani announced the expulsion of the Swedish Ambassador to Baghdad, Jessica Svardstrom, after protests that included the burning of the Swedish Embassy in Baghdad.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency