The United Nations announces its support for the “ECOWAS” group in resolving the Niger crisis

The Spokesman for the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Stephane Dujarric, announced that the United Nations continues to support ECOWAS and the African Union in resolving the Niger crisis.

“We continue to support the mediation of the Economic Community of West African States and the African Union. Our special representative is for contact with all parties,” Dujarric said.

The military council in Niger seized power on the twenty-sixth of last month, and the former commander of the presidential guard, General Omar Abd al-Rahman Tiani, justified the overthrow of President Muhammad Bazoum by his security, economic and social failure, in a country that is among the poorest countries in the world and suffers from the activity of armed groups.

Earlier, the military council in Niger threatened to bring Bazoum to justice and prosecute him for “high treason” in the event that neighboring countries intervened militarily in the country.

The West African Group “ECOWAS” condemned the announcement by the military council in Niger of its intention to bring President Mohamed Bazoum to justice and try him on charges of “high treason” and “undermining the security” of the country.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency