The Russian Air Transport Agency Opens An Investigation Into The Crash Of A Plane That Included The Commander Of Wagner Group

The Russian Air Transport Agency announced launching of an investigation into the crash of a plane, which included the commander of the Wagner Group.

And the Russian news agency TASS stated that the Russian Federal Air Transport Agency announced in a statement that it had launched an investigation into the crash of an Embraer plane in the Tver region today, Wednesday, confirming that the commander of the Wagner Group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, was among the passengers.

“An investigation has been opened into the Embraer plane crash that occurred tonight in the Tver region, and according to the list of passengers, among them is the name and surname of Yevgeny Prigozhin,” the ministry said.

It is noteworthy that, the “Russia Today” network announced that 10 people were killed when a private plane crashed north of the Russian capital, Moscow, according to what was stated on the Russia Today website.

Russia confirmed today that the plane that crashed was carrying the commander of the Wagner Group, Yevgeny Prigozhin.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency