The Ministry of Justice announces the release of (108) juveniles for the month of July 2023

The Ministry of Justice announced the monthly position of the Juvenile Reform Department, with the number of those released during the month of July of the year 2023.

The Director General of the Department, Kamel Amin Hashim, said, according to a statement by the Ministry: The total number of those released during the month of July reached (108) juveniles, including (51) detained juveniles who have been released, (40) who have been released after serving their sentence, and (17) with conditional release. This is due to their good behavior and passing the various qualifying courses according to the recommendation of the Social Research Division and the approval of the judicial authorities.

Amin added that the Juvenile Reform Department is constantly following up on the release mechanism after the completion of all legal procedures, in order to ensure that it completes its work in an optimal manner.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency