The Minister of Foreign Affairs affirms during his meeting with his Saudi counterpart Iraq’s commitment to its effective role in supporting international security and regional stability

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Fouad Hussein met with Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, on the sidelines of the Peace Summit in Ukraine held in the Brockenstock resort in the Swiss city of Lucerne.

During the meeting, according to a statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the two sides held in-depth talks on ways to enhance efforts to bring peace to Ukraine and end the war.

They stressed the importance of enhancing constructive dialogue between the conflicting parties through international and diplomatic mediation, and relying on peace initiatives supported by the United Nations.

The discussions between the two Ministers also addressed bilateral relations between Iraq and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, with a focus on ways to enhance and expand bilateral cooperation.

In this context, Minister Fouad Hussein stressed: “Iraq is striving to enhance its efforts in cooperation with our brothers and the international community
to achieve security and stability in the region, reflecting Iraq’s commitment to its effective role in supporting international peace and security.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency