The Iranian Revolutionary Guard launches naval maneuvers to defend the islands “disputed with the UAE”

The maneuvers of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards’ naval force began, this morning, Wednesday, for the strong defense of the Iranian islands in the Gulf, with a focus on Abu Musa Island.

The Iranian “Fares” Agency reported that “the maneuvers were launched in the presence of the Commander-in-Chief of the Revolutionary Guards, Major General Hossein Salami, the Commander of the Revolutionary Guards Navy, Admiral Ali Reza Tangsiri, and a number of commanders and officials of the Iranian armed forces and local officials.”

It added that “these maneuvers were dubbed “Martyr Brigadier General Ishaq Dara” with the aim of “demonstrating the capabilities and combat defensive preparations of the Revolutionary Guards’ naval force in protecting the security of the Gulf and the Iranian islands, specifically Abu Musa Island, (which is disputed with the UAE alongside the Greater and Lesser Tunbs). .

The maneuvers also aim to “carry out various exercises and positions by the combat and missile units, drones, the air navy, electronic warfare, quick response, the Imam Hussein (PBUH) Brigades in Hormozgan province, and naval mobilization with air support from the Aerospace Force of the Revolutionary Guard,” according to the Iranian Agency..

The Ministerial Council of the Gulf Cooperation Council had recently affirmed its rejection of “Iran’s continued occupation of the three islands,” affirming “support for the UAE’s sovereignty over its islands and territorial waters.”

The Council called on “Iran to respond to the UAE’s efforts to resolve the issue through direct negotiations or resorting to the International Court of Justice,” welcoming the agreement between Saudi Arabia and Iran.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency