The Foreign Minister receives a copy of the credentials of the new British Ambassador to Iraq

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Fouad Hussein, received today, Tuesday, a copy of the credentials of the new British Ambassador to Iraq, Stephen Hitchin. During the meeting, they discussed ways to strengthen relations between the two countries, and political developments on the regional and international arenas.

The Minister affirmed Iraq’s endeavor to establish the best relations to serve the interests of the two countries, and its keenness to enhance bilateral cooperation with the United Kingdom, stressing his support for the efforts of the new Ambassador in developing relations between Baghdad and London in a way that achieves common interests.

The two sides discussed the results of the recent visit of the Foreign Minister and the accompanying delegation to Britain, emphasizing the importance of following up the results of the visit by the two sides and completing the outcomes of the strategic dialogue meetings between the two countries.

For his part, the new British Ambassador affirmed his aspiration to work, cooperate and achieve better relations with Iraq, appreciating Iraq’s role in establishing security and stability in the Middle East./ End

Source: National Iraqi News Agency