The CTS Announces The Allocation Of Highly Trained, Specialized, Professional Forces At Civil Airports

Today, Saturday, the Anti-Terrorism Service announced the allocation of highly trained, specialized, professional forces at all civil airports.

The head of the Counter-Terrorism Service, Lieutenant General Abd al-Wahhab al-Saadi, said in a statement: “The objective view of the current and future challenges to combat terrorism necessitates that the Counter-Terrorism Service maintain its approach, strategy and plans in proportion to the size of the immediate challenges, with studied scientific additions based on foreseeing the future that will be in the near medium and long stages based on accurate information and scientific foundations that bear fruit through pre-emptive operations that neutralize terrorist organizations and paralyze their movement.

Al-Saadi added: “The development of the CTS from the beginning, taking into account the current and future challenges, is one of our most important priorities in this period, especially after the directives of the Prime Minister, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces by identifying the intelligence fields of all ministries and security and intelligence agencies, the task of combating terrorism in Iraq is that of the counter-terrorism Service.

He continued: “In implementation of these directives, we have taken the following steps:

1- Highly trained, specialized, professional forces have been allocated at all civil airports. Their main mission is to deal with cases of hijacking and hostage-taking. They are on standby around the clock to deal with any emergency, “God forbid.”

2- In the field of maritime operations, qualitative forces have been established to deal with maritime piracy in our territorial waters and ports, with exercises simulating the reality of maritime piracy for these forces from time to time.

3- Training of the heroes of the Anti-Terrorism Service at a professional level, as the momentum of training is the main factor for these victories and that the work of the academy has improved and developed, and we stressed the continuation of introducing modern training curricula drawn from our battles in the courses offered by the academy, and among the qualitative transitions in training our adoption the latest scientific techniques in training, including simulation exercises (Virtual Reality).

4- Heading to establish a specialized academy for the CTS in Iraq that deals with training military forces in the world and the region.

5- In terms of involving the heroes of our CTS in international competitions, we participated in the (International Warrior for Special Operations) competition in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan with the participation of (40) countries, and the heroes of the CTS won second place at the level of the participating countries, and third place at the level of the (80) participating teams in this competition, and ranked second as the best combat team by storming cities. Thus, the Anti-Terrorism Service jumped in the global ranking from the eighth to the fourth in the world at the level of special operations devices and teams. We also participated in the Eager Lion exercise, and we got the best special operations from a total of 26 countries, as well as the Emirates Challenge Championship.

6- The CTS sought to open scientific and academic institutions to scientific and knowledge institutions in order to enhance and implement its strategy, as it held scientific and cultural conferences and many scientific and knowledge seminars in addition to workshops with the participation of a wide range of the academic scientific spectrum of professors, researchers and specialists in various fields that pour into the complementary role in combating terrorism and extremism.

7- The world, including specialists and experts in the security and military field, realizes that terrorist organizations no longer have the strength to occupy cities or even small villages, which prompted them to resort to separate operations trying to prove their presence by propaganda in some remote areas. We have carried out this continuously, with a great effect in thwarting their intentions, as we have been able to repeatedly raid their hideouts during the times of their meetings.

He stressed, God willing, they will not be left in the near future, with the efforts of the heroes of the Anti-Terrorism Service and all other security forces to reach a safe and stable Iraq.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency