Sweden condemns burning copy of Holy Qur’an in Stockholm

The Swedish government on Sunday condemned the burning a copy of the Holy Qur’an in front of Stockholm’s main mosque by an Iraqi man residing in Sweden, calling his move an “anti-Islam” act.

“The Swedish government fully understands that anti-Islamic acts committed by individuals during demonstrations in Sweden can be offensive to Muslims,” the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement, according to the AFP

The Swedish government strongly condemned these actions, “which in no way reflect the views of the Swedish government,” stressing that it had initiated an investigation for “incitement against an ethnic group”, especially since the burning took place in front of a mosque.

The Swedish Foreign Ministry’s statement was issued following the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) called on its 57 members to take collective measures to prevent incidents of desecration of the Qu’ran.

Source: Jordan News Agency