Shura Chairman commends royal keenness on citizens’ interests

Shura Council Chairman, Ali bin Saleh Al Saleh, praised the numerous governmental initiatives to support the sectors affected by the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic as a reflection of the royal care and keenness on citizens’ interests. He commended the directives of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa to launch an additional financial package to protect the rights of insured Bahraini citizens in the private sector for three months and reduce the economic impact on commercial companies.

The Shura Council Chairman commended the direct follow-up of HM the King on citizens’ welfare. He was speaking during a meeting held today with a number of ministers, in the presence of the Shura Council Office members. The meeting was held to inform the legislative branch about the steps that will be taken by the government to ensure sustainable economic growth in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

The Shura Council Chairman praised the dedicated efforts of the government, led by HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, to work out appropriate programmes for social and economic issues. He lauded the tremendous efforts of HRH the Crown Prince and Prime Minister and team Bahrain in serving the nation, stressing that their dedicated national work will remain highly appreciated.

The Shura Council Chairman pointed out the initiatives carried out by the government since the outbreak of the pandemic, citing the provision of a financial package of more than BD 4.3 billion to ensure continuity of commercial activities. He noted Bahrain’s leading position in providing huge budgets to combat the pandemic and weather its economic impact. He praised the government’s keenness to consult with the legislative branch and update it on all details transparently and objectively. He described the initiatives announced by the government today as a reflection of keen desire to minimize the economic impact of the pandemic.

The Shura Council Chairman underlined the kingdom’s constant steps towards a full recovery from the pandemic, pointing out that recent figures related to the virus are auspicious. He affirmed the importance of unity and continuous adherence to the precautionary measures and instructions issued by the medical taskforce, pointing out the need to take the (Covid-19) vaccines which are provided free of charge for citizens and residents alike.

Source: Bahrain News Agency