Senate joint committee receives Iraqi parliamentary delegation over anti-drug cooperation

A Senate joint committee, chaired by Legal Committee head, Ahmad Tbeishat, on Sunday met with Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Committee in the Iraqi Parliament, headed by MP Adnan Burhan Juhaishi. The meeting, which was attended by Chairman of the Senate’s Public Services Committee, Mustafa Hamarneh and Head of its Health, Environment and Population Committee, Yassin Husban, aimed to review Jordan’s legislative experience in the field of combating drugs and psychotropic substances. Tbeishat spoke about the “depth” of bilateral relations and the two countries’ keenness to advance cooperation level, which would help realize mutual interests. He referred to Jordan’s support, under His Majesty King Abdullah II’s leadership, for Iraq’s security and stability and its people to achieve their aspirations for a prosperous future, stressing role of the Jordanian Senate and Iraqi Parliament in reaching shared views on all common issues that serve their interests. Tbeishat noted drug problem receives “remarkable” attention in the Kingdom, which is making “unrelenting” efforts in cooperation with the relevant parties to reduce this phenomenon. He also referred to an amendment on Jordan’s drug law by stiffening penalties and criminalizing acts to keep pace with developments in the drug field. For his part, Juhaishi stressed importance of joint cooperation in combating drugs, which is viewed a global scourge affecting all countries across the world. The meeting, he noted, aims to coordinate with the Kingdom’s Senate in the field of combating drugs and psychotropic substances, work to amend related legislation, learn about Jordan’s experience, and deepen joint cooperation. At the end of the meeting, Tbeishat suggested submitting a recommendation to Prime Minister aimed to sign a joint memorandum of understanding concerned with strengthening Jordanian-Iraqi cooperation in combating drugs.

Source: Jordan News Agency