Senate committee, Bulgarian envoy talk ties

The Senate’s Jordanian-Bulgarian Friendship Committee, headed by Senator Khaled Ramadan, discussed Wednesday with Bulgarian Ambassador Dimitri Mayolve the means to enhance bilateral relations in all fields. Ramadan spoke about the close and historical relations that bind Jordan and Bulgaria’s leaders, governments and peoples, pointing to joint coordination regarding current regional and international issues to establish security, stability and peace in the region. He pointed to Jordan’s important role in providing humanitarian services and hosting refugees despite the scarcity of resources and capabilities. He stressed that the Palestinian cause is central to the region and the world, underscoring the need to end the conflict through the establishment of an independent Palestinian state. On investment, the legislation in the Kingdom, he explained, is “stimulating and attractive” to Bulgarian investments, especially in the educational, investment, cultural and agricultural fields, underlining the need to increase trade exchange between the two friendly countries. He commended the envoy’s efforts of the Bulgarian ambassador to cement and enhance bilateral relations throughout his tenure in the Kingdom. In turn, the Bulgarian ambassador hailed the distinguished relations between Jordan and Bulgaria, stressing that Jordan’s security and stability is a fundamental pillar for the region and that the two friendly countries see eye-to-eye on many regional and global issues. He highlighted Bulgaria’s firm position in support of Jordan towards the Palestinian cause and the Hashemite Custodianship over Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem, and the importance of reaching a comprehensive and just solution that leads to ending the conflict in accordance with the two-state solution. Bulgaria, he noted, has strategic relations with Jordan and many agreements to enhance investments, raise exports and imports on both sides and increase the number of Bulgarian tourists visiting the Kingdom.

Source: Jordan News Agency