Safadi: Jordan taking all necessary steps to combat drug smuggling across Syrian border

The Foreign Minister of Jordan, Ayman Safadi, said Friday that Jordan “is taking all necessary steps to combat drug smuggling across the Syrian border into its territory and that it is doing everything necessary to protect its national security from this escalating danger.” Safadi, who joined virtually at the ministerial meeting of the International Coalition to Confront the Threat of Industrial Drugs hosted by Washington DC, said that forming the coalition is an “important” step to addressing the escalating threat of industrial drugs and confronting its spread. “This new international alliance will allow us to work together to combat the production, smuggling and distribution of industrial drugs,” he said. Safadi added that attempts to smuggle drugs from the Syrian border are continuous, noting that over 65 million Captagon pills have been confiscated over the past two years. Safadi added that what he described as the global danger of industrial drugs and the enormous resources available to its manufacturers and smugglers require a joint international effort. Safadi noted Jordan’s readiness to cooperate in confronting the drug spread.

Source: Jordan News Agency