Russia promises the West surprises at the Security Council meeting on Ukraine

The First Deputy Permanent Representative of Russia to the United Nations, Dmitry Polyansky, said that Moscow is preparing a surprise for the West at the Security Council meeting at the ministerial level, tomorrow, Monday, regarding Ukraine.

Polyansky wrote on his Telegram channel: “Tomorrow, July 17, at 22:00 Moscow time, the UN Security Council will host another discussion of the Ukrainian crisis, at the request of the British presidency of the Council and we have something to say, there will be surprises, there is no need to disclose it here now.”

According to Polyansky, Western countries are planning an anti-Russian “raucous show” that will continue the next day at the General Assembly.

Tomorrow, Monday, a meeting of the UN Security Council at the ministerial level on Ukrainian issues is scheduled to be held, chaired by the British Foreign Secretary, James Cleverly. The next day, July 18, the General Assembly is expected to meet on the same issue./ End

Source: National Iraqi News Agency