Public Works Ministry pays special attention to cybersecurity: Minister

Amman, Aug. 28 (Petra)– Minister of Public Works and Housing Maher Abu Al Sammen said that his ministry pays special attention to the cybersecurity in light of the development of the ministry’s work, the automation of its systems, and its shift to provide most of its services electronically. Speaking to a meeting with the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) President Bassam Maharmeh, Abu Al Sammen said the growing interest in cybersecurity is linked to key changes and developments in the data sector around the world. Abu Al Sammen called for including the Ministry of Works within the first phase of the NCSC program, which will be implemented soon, as well as evaluating cadres concerned with cybersecurity in the ministry and determining the required needs of equipment and cadres and any areas of support required by this issue. For his part, Maharmeh said the evaluation of cybersecurity in ministries and public departments is similar and most of them are at the same level. He explained that NCSC plays supervisory role to monitor compliance of government institutions, ministries and private sector institutions to the approved standards to achieve cybersecurity goals and objectives and raise the level of maturity of institutions in the public and private sectors. He said that cybersecurity is important for preserving data, preventing its leakage, and continuity in providing services to ensure the sustainability of businesses and services provided to citizens.

Source: Jordan News Agency