PSD issues heatwave warning

The Public Security Directorate (PSD) Tuesday issued warnings ahead of a heatwave that will affect the Kingdom starting Wednesday, according to weather forecasts.

In a statement, it urged the public to heed instructions to avoid sunstrokes and heat exhaustion, including avoiding direct exposure to sunlight, especially at noon in desert areas and in Aqaba and the Jordan Valley, where temperatures are higher, drinking more water and fluids, wearing light and loose-fitting clothing and protective head coverings, and taking a rest at noon hours, especially for people working under the sun.

It also urged families to keep a close watch of children and not allow them to play in the sun for long, not leave children unaccompanied in vehicles, and not leave sterilizers, perfumes or other flammables inside vehicles.

The directorate warned against overloaded outlets, which is a leading cause of house fires, by putting air conditioners, fans, etc. on a single electric source, and to stay away from thick weeds that are a breeding ground for reptiles, such as scorpions and snakes.

The PSD urged people not to hesitate to call (911) if needed.

Source: Jordan News Agency