PSD chief, UK official talk police cooperation

Director of Public Security Directorate (PSD), Maj. Gen. Obaidullah Maaytah, on Sunday, met with Permanent Under-Secretary at the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office ( FCDO ), Philip Barton, in the presence of the British Ambassador to Amman, Bridget Brind. During the meeting, held at Princess Basma Women Police Training Institute, the two sides discussed ways to strengthen joint cooperation in the security and police fields, and exchange expertise, especially with regard to training women personnel on police work. Maaytah said women started to join the police and security field in 1972, during which Jordanian women proved their “distinction and capability to perform and adapt to the work environment, and gained wide respect, which was reflected in their performance level”. Maaytah also stressed the PSD’s keenness to consolidate “strategic” partnerships with various relevant international bodies, aimed to enriching security and police experiences, especially in the training and technical aspects. For his part, Barton lauded success of Jordan’s experience in integrating women in the security fields, and their “clear” excellence in this regard, especially in the police and civil defense operations, stressing importance of joint cooperation and coordination to serve police and security process. The delegation was briefed by commander of the women police force, highlighting their development and tasks in various public security units. Touring the institute’s facilities, the UK delegation watched a film about establishment of the women’s police force and its duties under PSD and its participation in international peacekeeping missions.

Source: Jordan News Agency