Princess Sumaya University, China’s Fudan University discuss cooperation

President of Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Prof. Wejdan Abu Elhaija, on Sunday met with Vice President of China’s Fudan University for International Relations, Chen Zhimin, and the accompanying delegation The meeting covered ways of academic and research cooperation. The two academics expressed their desire to exchange expertise by developing a memorandum of understanding that provides an opportunity to conduct joint research and academic visits between the two universities, as well as enabling students and faculty members to benefit from the exchange program in engineering and information technology fields. Abu Elhaija higlighted the university’s distinguished journey and key achievements in various academic and research fields, as well as extracurricular activities for university students. Zhimin, in turn, said that this meeting will be the beginning of future cooperation between the two universities, as part of the continuous endeavor to develop relations between the two countries. University deans council members attended the meeting.

Source: Jordan News Agency