Poland announces sending 10,000 soldiers to its border with Belarus

Poland announced today, Thursday, a decision to send ten thousand soldiers to its borders with Belarus to support security on their common borders.

Mariusz Blaszczak, the Polish Minister of Defense, said in a press statement that his country decided to send additional forces of about ten thousand soldiers to the border with Belarus to support the border guards stationed there, stressing that these forces will contribute to what he called “deterring the aggressor so that he does not dare attack the lands.” polish”.

He explained that these military reinforcements will be stationed on the borders at a time of increasing fears since the arrival of hundreds of illegal immigrants, and following the movement of a group of Russian “Wagner” military special forces to Belarusian lands last July.

The announcement by the Warsaw authorities comes two days after it revealed its intention to send additional military reinforcements to its border with neighboring Belarus.

It is noteworthy that thousands of immigrants, most of them from the Middle East, have since the summer of 2021 crossed or attempted to cross the Polish border, while only some of them succeeded in crossing, and in many cases they continued their journey to Western Europe.

Poland and Western countries accused Belarus of encouraging and even organizing the flow of migrants to the European Union, which was denied by the Minsk government, accusing Poland of inhumane treatment of migrants./ End

Source: National Iraqi News Agency