PM’s Advisor: The Development Road Will Constitute A Qualitative Shift In The Economic And Commercial Reality

The political advisor to the Prime Minister, Fadi Al-Shammari, confirmed today, Friday, that the development road will constitute a qualitative transition in the economic and commercial reality and will turn Iraq into a major station for trade between Asia and Europe, while noting that the annual profits of the road will reach 4 billion dollars.

Al-Shammari said in a statement: “Iraq adopted a new policy in the Middle East, which is the” networking strategy “and one of its important pillars is the (development road) project that connects the east of the world with the west, if it is completed.”

Al-Shammari added, “The development road project starts from the port of Al-Faw in Basra and passes through ten Iraqi governorates to Turkey and from there to Europe and other roads in various stages that will be announced successively for the transportation of goods and energy, in addition to that it will install vesicles for new cities in western Iraq.”

He indicated, “The development road starts from a specific point in the great port of Faw, as the multi-modal development road (dual-use) consists of highways through which freight trucks pass, railways for transporting goods and passengers, and energy transport corridors,” stressing that “the road will pass 10 provinces up to the Iraqi-Turkish border, and from there it will be linked to the highway network in Turkey.

He pointed out, “The annual profits will reach approximately (4) billion dollars, in addition to providing (100) thousand job opportunities,” noting that, “through this road, Iraq will turn into a major station for trade and a major transport station between Asia and Europe, in which the Navy trip time will decrease from (33) to (15) days.

Al-Shammari stated, “The multi-modal infrastructure system (consisting of ports, airports, highways, and new railways) conforms to the highest international standards and best engineering practices, which facilitates social and economic development and diversification of Iraq and related neighboring countries.”

He stressed, “Iraq and its neighboring countries are counting on the path of development, which will constitute a qualitative transition in the economic and commercial reality of Iraq, as it will be the global corridor for the transport of goods and energy, which will achieve great development gains for Iraq and transform the areas on both sides of it into factories, warehouses and investment projects that contribute to diversifying sources of income for Iraq through its participation with the country’s oil resources in supporting public budgets and enhancing job opportunities in the private and joint sectors, ensuring an increase in job opportunities, development, investment and trade in the long term.

He explained, “The maximum capacity of the large port of Faw is about (3.5) million equivalent units according to the assumed horizon in 2028, while it will reach about (7.5) million equivalent units according to the assumed horizon in 2038.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency