Oil Exploration Department signs a contract to implement the seismic survey of the Khana oil block with the Chinese company Geojid

Baghdad: The Oil Exploration Department signed a contract to implement the seismic survey of the Khana oil patch with the Chinese Geojid Company for the benefit of the Central Oil Company

The Undersecretary of the Ministry for Extraction Affairs (Basem Mohammed Khader) said: On behalf of the Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Affairs and Minister of Oil: Today we attended the signing of the contract to refer the two- and three-dimensional seismic survey of the Khana oil patch within the fifth licensing round to the Oil Exploration Company.

He added that the implementation of this contract achieves the strategic vision of the oil sector by involving national oil companies in implementing oil projects in a manner consistent with future plans.

He continued, “The Ministry is keen to increase production capacity in addition to improving the working conditions and environment, as well as reducing gas imports, providing job opportunities and enhancing the state’s financial revenues by implementing such giant projec

For his part, the Director General of the Oil Exploration Company (Osama Raouf Hussein) said, “We are very happy to sign this contract with the Chinese Geojid Company, as this project, which will be implemented by the Oil Exploration Company under its ownership, is National and its advanced equipment”.

He explained that “the implementation of the contract will be in two parts, the first two-dimensional and its size is 770 km / square, while the size of the second part is 700 km square, and this project is considered promising for oil and gas, in addition to employing national workers in the areas surrounding the project”.

For his part, the Director General of the Central Oil Company, Muhammad Yassin, said, “The (Khana Oil) patch is one of a group of oil patches in Diyala Governorate, which includes four explored fields, and two-dimensional and three-dimensional seismic surveys will be conducted according to this contract to explore the quantities of oil and gas in it, which is hoped to add large quant
ities of crude oil and gas to local production, and equip power generation stations with local fuel instead of imported fuel”.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency