Kuwaiti official: Arab Parliaments 10th conf. bolsters democracy

Secretary-General of Kuwait’s National Assembly, Khaled Abu Sulaib, highlighted Wednesday the role of the Arab parliaments’ conference in bolstering democracy, facilitating the exchange of expertise and reinforcing the significant role of secretary-generals in parliamentary work.

Abu Sulaib spoke to KUNA following the conclusion of the 10th annual conference of the Association of Secretaries-General of Arab Parliaments, saying that a number of articles had been ratified including Mauritania’s membership in the association.

The association’s annual conference, explained Abu Sulaib, carries a specific theme each year, this year’s being (Digital Democracy, Social Media, and the Role of Councils in Promoting it).

The National Assembly’s secretariat had submitted a work paper on electronic voting and digital archiving of prior assemblies, stated the Secretary-General while taking note of the pioneering work of the National Assembly in modernizing its electronic systems.

The conference, in its 10th edition, launched Tuesday in Qatari capital of Doha.

Source: Kuwait News Agency