JoYS National Exhibition 2023 showcases young Jordanian talent in STEM

Jordan Young Scientists (JoYS) National Exhibition 2023 is set to kick off next Saturday, organized by the Embassy of Ireland. The event will see participation of the Ministry of Education, Crown Prince Foundation, and Queen Rania Foundation, as this national initiative aims to inspire and reward young students with a passion for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), according to a statement issued by Irish embassy on Thursday. Taking place over two consecutive days, the exhibition will bring together 357 talented students from 68 schools across Jordan, who will showcase their “exceptional” projects in various STEM fields. These young minds will provide innovative solutions to real-world challenges and ground-breaking scientific discoveries and are “sure to captivate visitors with their ingenuity and creativity,” the statement noted. The JoYS Programme, which was first launched in Ireland nearly sixty years ago, has now made its way to Jordan, providing an “invaluable platform for young scientists to demonstrate their potential and shape a brighter future.” This exhibition serves as a celebration of their “remarkable” achievements and offers visitors the chance to witness first-hand the talent and dedication of Jordan’s future innovators, the statement said. The event will take place at Al-Hussein Technical University (HTU), on Saturday the 24th of June and opens to the public at 12 noon, allowing attendees to discover the inspiring projects and engage with the students’ scientific endeavours.

Source: Jordan News Agency