Jordan summons Sweden envoy over defiling of Quran

Jordan summoned Thursday the Swedish Embassy’s Charge d’Affairs in Amman to lodge solemn representations against his country’s government decision to allow, once more, an extremist to burn a copy of the Quran in Stockholm.

“The desecration of a copy of the Holy Quran reflects a culture of hatred, is a crude provocation of the feelings of about two billion Muslims, and can by no means justified in the context of freedom of expression,” the ministry said in a press release.

The ministry, further, called on the Swedish government to take necessary measures in order to thwart the recurrence of these acts that break common human values and seriously reflect a culture of hatred and racism, according to the release.

Swedish authorities on Thursday authorized an extremist to defile a copy of the Holy Quran in Stockholm for the second time in a less than a month.

Source: Kuwait News Agency