Jordan, India talk cooperation

The Parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee Monday discussed with Indian Ambassador Anwar Halim ways to enhance cooperation between Jordan and India in information technology, technical and vocational education and tourism fields. The committee’s chairman Khaldoun Hena emphasized the need to enhance relations with India and provide necessary support and facilities to investors in the technology sector as well as small and medium enterprises. During the meeting, MPs stressed the importance of strengthening Jordanian-Indian ties in multiple sectors as well as benefiting from India’s technological expertise and the need to sign mutual agreements in this field. He also called for supporting the Hashemite Custodianship over holy sites in Jerusalem. According to Halim, trade between India and Jordan is growing with positive indications since the countries signed their first trade agreement, adding that India was Jordan’s fourth largest trading partner in 2020. The envoy said India exports to the Kingdom food commodities, mechanical, electrical and engineering equipment, jewelry, petroleum products and leather. He said Jordan is a dependable provider of fertilizers, phosphates, phosphoric acid and other products.

Source: Jordan News Agency