JFDA to help Palestine establish food, drug regulatory body-Muhaidat

Jordan Food and Drug Administration (JFDA) Director General, Nizar Muhaidat, highlighted the Kingdom’s “pioneering” expertise in establishing a reference regulatory body concerned with ensuring food quality and safety, as well as efficacy and reliability of drug products during an official visit to the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Ramallah. During a meeting with Palestinian Minister of Health, Mai Kaila, Muhaidat stressed JFDA’s keenness to enhance joint cooperation with Palestinian Ministry of Health based on the joint health cooperation protocol concluded by Jordan and Palestine. Muhaidat also voiced JFDA’s keenness to help Palestinian side “optimally” benefit from JFDA’s experience to create a similar entity in Palestine. Muhaidat expressed JFDA’s readiness to provide all its expertise in the field of drug registration, control, and inspection to the Palestinian side. Muhaidat noted the visit comes following a trip by a delegation from Palestinian Ministry of Health to JFDA to learn about Jordan’s experience, discuss cooperation mechanisms, and review JFDA’s procedures in place. JFDA, since its inception as a national reference body specialized in food and drug control, participates in preparing the necessary legislation for food and drug monitoring bodies and institutions in several Arab countries and provides expertise and training, Muhaidat said.

Source: Jordan News Agency