JCC Inaugurates Business Incubator under “Water and Energy” Project

The Jordan Chamber of Commerce has launched a new business incubator aimed at fostering ties with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and bolstering the entrepreneurial landscape. The incubator’s mission encompasses improving regulatory frameworks, facilitating commercial technology transfer, and assisting SMEs in identifying local innovation necessities. This is achieved by creating a one-stop innovation hub, hosting events to stimulate technological collaboration among SMEs, and conducting regular assessments of project structures and initiatives to ensure information, communication, and operational sustainability. This initiative is part of the broader “Water and Energy” project, which falls under the multilateral regional program for cross-border cooperation among Mediterranean countries, funded by the European Union. According to a statement released by the Chamber on Sunday, the organization is steadfast in its commitment to alternative and sustainable energy. Hence, it has partnered with various parties from Greece, Egypt, Lebanon, Spain, and Italy as part of this initiative. Under the terms of this agreement, the Aqaba Chamber of Commerce building has been chosen to host a project that generates cooling energy. The method leverages chillers to cool water and, subsequently, decrease the temperature of the chillers pumping cold air. Given the high periods of solar brightness and the availability of necessary infrastructure, this project is expected to partially substitute electrical energy sources, thus reducing the overall cost. As part of the program, the chamber, in collaboration with numerous partners, has conducted a local market survey to evaluate resource efficiency services in the sustainable energy sector. A training program has also been initiated to equip trainers in the sector with the knowledge of technologies utilized in the cooling energy production project. The Chamber underscores the significance of renewable energy as a global trend and a platform for international cooperation and experience sharing. It also emphasizes the crucial role of continuous economic stimulation and operating cost reduction in the commercial sector to affect service prices favorably for citizens. The Chamber reiterates the importance of commercial sector companies and institutions embracing renewable and sustainable energy sources to curb operating costs and consider renewable energy projects as viable alternatives to traditional energy sources. Furthermore, the Chamber has signed several agreements to implement and oversee the solar energy cooling system installation project in collaboration with the Royal Scientific Society through the National Center for Energy Research. The inauguration ceremony was attended by distinguished individuals, including Jamal Rifai, First Vice-President of the Jordan Chamber of Commerce; Firas Sultan, Second Vice-President; Hatem Zoubi, Representative of the Electricity and Electronics Sector in the chamber; and Muhammad Dudu, President of the Association of Energy Companies. In attendance were also Ismat Karadsheh, Coordinator of the Regional Office for Eastern Mediterranean Countries of the Cross-Border Cooperation Program, and Ali Tarawneh, the implementing engineer of the project from the Next Renewable Energy Company.

Source: Jordan News Agency