Interior Minister: Rule of law, citizenship paramount in modernization process

Interior Minister Mazen Faraya on Tuesday called for enhancing a sense of citizenship as Jordan implements key laws that will contribute to development and bolster the rule of law.

He spoke during a visit to Zarqa Governorate, where he met with local governors, security and executive councils and youth on the national political modernization system and the government’s policy to upgrade performance in administrative, developmental, security, social and cultural domains, and promote engagement in partisan work.

The minister said the rule of law is paramount as it is not only about security, but it touches all spheres of life through the application of order, coordination and institutional dealing with various matters.

Rule of law, equal opportunity and a fair and impartial application of the law in all walks of life would enhance the sense of citizenship, he said.

“We are on the verge of implementing important laws that will contribute to the development of the country, boost the rule of law and achieve justice,” he said citing the new traffic law, which, he stressed, should be seriously applied to hold violators to account, as it aims to protect lives in the first place.

Turning to the political parties law, the minister urged young men and women to engage in political work as a key leverage of political modernization.

Source: Jordan News Agency