Interior Minister: Impediment of partisan work is a crime by law

Interior Minister Mazen Faraya said Monday that the government is committed to supporting all political parties to guarantee and promote partisan work, reiterating that his ministry is only a facilitator and fair-minded to all parties. The Ministry of Interior supports the efforts of the Independent Election Commission, official institutions and civil society through political awareness, Faraya said as he chaired a meeting with governors to discuss the modernization of the political system and the election and political parties laws. He urged spreading partisan culture through open channels with civil society institutions and meetings with citizens to encourage them to join political parties, stressing that the royal directives on political modernization are “clear and irreversible.” The minister stressed support of the modernization scheme as a vision of His majesty King Abdullah, which stems from his conviction that the country’s future lies in partisan work and programs that enhance the national identity and the values of citizenship. Faraya said the Political Parties Law states that Jordanians have the right to establish and join parties in accordance with the constitution, adding that the law criminalizes assaulting any Jordanian for his party affiliation and pledging to enforce the law. He said the law forbids discrimination against, harassment of, holding accountable or assaulting any person, whether a citizen or a party activist, because of his party affiliation. Faraya called on administrative governors to play a key role in creating a sound environment supportive of partisan work.

Source: Jordan News Agency