Horrified Palestinians flee Rafah amid thunderous bombardment — witnesses

Hundreds of panicked Palestinian families fled the bombed-out southern town of Rafah in Gaza on Friday amid artillery and rocket barrages unleashed by advancing forces of the Israeli occupation.

Witnesses told KUNA that the tank-led occupation troops took over the whole of the “Philadelphi” route that separates Gaza Strip from Egypt, subjecting the Rafah region to intensive bombardment with various heavy caliber arms.

Amid the roars of the shelling and blasts of incoming rockets from overflying drones, hundreds of scared civilians fled Rafah trying to spare their lives and reach safer areas in the war-devastated enclave, according to the witnesses.

Medics struggled amidst the mayhem to rescue the injured however; their efforts were in vain at several spots with recurring attacks by the occupation snipers and the buzzing pilotless aircraft — firing rockets.

The witnesses said many of the civilians were trying to reach Khan Youness on pathways strewn with debris and rubble of bombed buildings, braving the
horrific and recurring sounds of explosions.

Gaza since October 8 has been targeted with all-out Israeli aggression that has taken more than 35,000 lives, many are children, women and the elderly.

Source: Kuwait News Agency