HM King issues decree 64, re-structuring BTEA

His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa today issued Decree 64/2021, re-structuring the Bahrain Tourism and Exhibitions Authority (BTEA), as follows:

The Chief Executive Officer (with the rank of undersecretary) shall oversee:

First: Directorate of Projects and Facilities

Second: Directorate of Resources and Information

Third: Deputy CEO (with the rank of assistant undersecretary), responsible for:

1- Directorate of Supervision and Licenses

2- Directorate of Marketing and Promotion

Royal Decree 76/2015 on organising BTEA will be abrogated.

Industry, Commerce and Tourism Minister shall implement the provisions of this decree which takes immediate effect, and will be published in the Official Gazette.

Source: Bahrain News Agency