GCC Chief underlines GCC countries’ quest to enhance ties with Brazil

During an official visit to Brazil, Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Jasem Al-Budaiwi emphasized the importance of enhancing strategic relations and cooperation between GCC countries and Brazil, asserting the status of GCC countries with Brazil and the international community.

This was mentioned in a statement by the GCC General Secretariat following a reception hosted by Kuwait Ambassador to Brazil Talal Al-Mansour yesterday, Tuesday, attended by senior Brazilian officials, including the Minister of Agriculture, Undersecretary Foreign Minister, and several members of the Brazilian Parliament, as well as numerous foreign diplomats.

Al-Budaiwi stated that the large presence of a number of Brazilian official figures and the large number of ambassadors accredited in Brasilia reflects the status enjoyed by GCC countries in Brazil and the international community.

GCC countries have clear and evident efforts in enhancing their relations with countries and international organizations, which
represents an important step towards strengthening strategic partnerships, he added.

During the reception, Al-Budaiwi gave a speech in which he explained the objectives of his visit, and the great development that the GCC-Brazilian relations have reached, explaining in the same context the targets to be achieved from this visit.

He concluded his speech by expressing sincere thanks and appreciation to the government of Brazil for the warm reception, and for its efforts in strengthening ties between the two sides.

Source: Kuwait News Agency