G20 energy ministers fail to adopt joint statement on transition to clean energy

G20 Energy Transition Ministers’ Meeting, held in Indian state of Goa on Saturday, failed to adopt a joint communique over differences on Ukraine war, reducing fossil fuel and funding climate change action. The ministers of member countries and representatives agreed on 22 out of 29 paragraphs of the document, Indian Minister of Power and New and Renewable Energy R. K. Singh told reporters after the meeting. The ministers adopted the Outcome Document and Chair’s Summary of the meeting. They agreed on taking steps to fight climate change though there were no agreement on funding the action, the Indian minister noted.

Singh said that the pace of energy transitions needs to be increased as many oil producing countries objected to increasing oil production and speeding up transition to clean energy. The Indian minister also emphasized the need for sharing technology, and appealed for low-cost financing for developing countries so that no one is left behind.

Since 730 million people do not have energy access, there should be an urgent focus on access to energy. Delegates also agreed that free and open trade will be encouraged so that zero and low-carbon hydrogen is used more and more. The meeting failed to adopt a joint statement as Russia and China objected to mentioning war in Ukraine or dealing with security issues under the G20. However, the outcome document referred to “Resolution No. ES-11/1 dated 2 March 2022, as adopted by majority vote” that “deplores in the strongest terms the aggression by the Russian Federation against Ukraine and demands its complete and unconditional withdrawal from the territory of Ukraine.”

Source: Kuwait News Agency