Egypt, Equatorial Guinea discuss peace, security efforts

Egypt’s President Abdulfattah Al-Sisi on Wednesday discussed the situation in Africa and efforts to promote peace and security on the continent with Equatorial Guinea’s Vice President, Teodoro Nguema.

Ahmad Fahmy, the spokesperson for the Egyptian Presidency, said in a statement that this discussion took place during a meeting between the two officials. Al-Sisi praised Equatorial Guinea’s stance on the Palestinian crisis.

The Egyptian President also affirmed Egypt’s support for Equatorial Guinea’s efforts to develop and enhance bilateral relations, as well as Egypt’s broader efforts to deepen and strengthen ties with other African neighbors.

In turn, Nguema outlined the purpose of his visit, highlighting aspects such as economic cooperation and elevating the standard of commercial exchange between the two nations.

Nguema delivered a letter to Al-Sisi from Equatorial Guinea’s President, Teodoro Obiang, which emphasized his appreciation of Egypt and its leaders and included an invitation for President Al-Si
si to visit Equatorial Guinea.

Source: Kuwait News Agency