CDC Participates in Regional Antimicrobial Resistance Training Workshop

Amman: The National Center for Epidemics and Disease Control (CDC) participated in a comprehensive training workshop focused on combating antimicrobial resistance within the framework of the One Health approach, which integrates public, veterinary, and environmental health.

Organized by the European Commission’s Health and Food Safety department, the four-day workshop took place in Amman and saw the participation of CDC representatives from various directorates, including prevention, monitoring, and laboratories. Delegates from several countries, including Egypt, Lebanon, and Tunisia, also attended.

The training, part of the Better Training for Safer Food initiative, aimed to promote the judicious use of antimicrobials, enhance surveillance of resistance across veterinary health, food safety, and public health domains, and foster collaboration with affected countries and international organizations.

The CDC’s involvement underscores its dedication to enhancing capabilities in antimicrobial resistance and k
nowledge exchange with international counterparts to bolster national and regional public health and food safety standards.

The Better Training for Safer Food initiative seeks to establish a comprehensive training strategy at the European Union level, encompassing food and feed laws, animal health, and phytosanitary regulations. Its objectives include ensuring consumer protection, safeguarding animal and plant health, standardizing national control systems, fostering equitable conditions for food businesses, facilitating safe food trade, and promoting fair trade relations with developing nations.

Source: Jordan News Agency