
HM King issues decree 64, re-structuring BTEA

His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa today issued Decree 64/2021, re-structuring the Bahrain Tourism and Exhibitions Authority (BTEA), as follows: The Chief Executive Officer (with the rank of undersecretary) shall oversee: First: Directorate of P…

NSSA, UAESA discuss cooperation

Transportation and Telecommunications Minister Kamal bin Ahmed Mohammed, held a virtual meeting with UAE Minister of State for Advanced Technology, Chairwoman of the Emirates Scientists Council (ESC) Sarah Al Amiri.The National Space Science Agency (NS…

Bahrain-EU relations, cooperation discussed

Industry, Commerce and Tourism Minister, Zayed bin Rashid Al-Zayani, received here today the Riyadh-resident President of the European Commission Delegation to Bahrain, Patrick Simonet. The two sides reviewed bilateral relations and ways to enhance coo…

Speaker receives Finance Minister

Representatives Council Speaker, Fawzia bint Abdullah Zainal, stressed keenness of the legislative branch on boosting cooperation and coordination with the executive one to serve the nation and citizens and achieve the aspirations of His Majesty King H…